Michal Moskal
2007-06-07 14:46:19 UTC
While trying to figure out why Pruner.Alignment is soooo slow I bumped
If you run Tmp.n with TupleCache it works about 20 times faster than
if you run it with Hashtable. The difference seems rather big.
It seems to be related to boxing. Right now, the Tuple classes andWhile trying to figure out why Pruner.Alignment is soooo slow I bumped
If you run Tmp.n with TupleCache it works about 20 times faster than
if you run it with Hashtable. The difference seems rather big.
structs do not implement the IEquatable interface, which means that
the hashtable uses Equals(object) overload (I'm not sure about
GetHashCode calls). This of course causes boxing.
We also do not require tuple elements to support the IEquatable[T]
interface, which means the elements are boxed when calling Equals on
The first one can be fixed, and the second one doesn't seem to be
possibly to fix easily, but the good news seems to be that at least in
case of structs (tuple-2 and tuple-3), the JIT seems to manage to
optimize calls to Equals() and get rid of boxing. It also doesn't seem
to matter when we know the type to be int, to use == or Equals (see
attached testcase).
I'll try modifying tuples to support IEqutable, which should make
hashtabling them several times faster, but still about 4 times slower
than your two level hashtable (which is in fact 70 times faster than
hashtabling the tuples).
Unrelated: What's the idea with %^ ? It seems to do the same as ^ but
I couldn't find (on nemerle.org) why there are two versions.
Because we couldn't use |, so we used %| and to be consistent alsoI couldn't find (on nemerle.org) why there are two versions.
other bit operators got their %-versions.